Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election live blog 3

11:45 pm - I had to leave for a bit, but I am back for a few last thoughts.  One of the biggest stories tonight has to be that the Republicans tried to win on the white vote, which clearly is not enough.  The party will have to widen its appeal to other groups if it wants to win in the future.  The election was very close but much of it had to do with the economy, which is still in poor shape.  I think many people do realize it is not Obama's fault, but they were clearly frustrated, enough so that many were ready to give someone else a chance.  But the Republicans have become a party that is just too far to the right for most people and have become too homogeneous in an increasingly diversified country. That proved to be the difference.

11:53 pm - Back to the two Senate races I have been keeping an eye on.  Democrat Heidi Heitkamp has a surprising 51-49% lead with 89% of the polls reporting in North Dakota, while Democrat Jon Tester has a 56-41% lead with 29% of the polls reporting in Montana.  It looks like it will be a good night for Democrats in the Senate.

11:58 pm - Obama has lost only two states he won in 2008: Indiana and North Carolina, while Florida still hasn't been decided.  Despite that he leads the popular vote by less than one percent after winning by seven percent last time.  It is a somewhat strange result.

12:01 am - Well I have to work tomorrow, so that is all from me for tonight.  It's been fun.

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